I have a great devotion to St. Philomena, and would like to share a personal account of a miraculous intervention I experienced with her. I hope that this might inspire some who have never heard of this wonderfully powerful saint to ask for her intercession and become devoted to her as well!
"St. Philomena - Wonderworker"
I had never really heard of St. Philomena before a few years ago. I stumbled across some information about her, and felt drawn to learn more about her. I began praying to her for various interventions. After the birth of our third child, I had a miscarriage. Then we had a difficult time getting pregnant (that had never happened before!) I went to an infertility specialist who did a test and found that both of my tubes were completely blocked. It was speculated that the cause was scar tissue left from the miscarriage. He arranged for me to have surgery. In the meantime, I had just read that St. Philomena was known as the Wonderworking saint, but also the Saint of sterility. So I decided I should do a novena to her prior to my surgery to pray for its success. My mom had commented that St. Philomena was removed from the church calendar several years ago, and she questioned if St. Philomena was actually a saint. I began to have doubts. In the middle of the novena to her, I asked something I rarely do when I pray. I asked her to please give me some sort of sign during or after the novena so that I could know for sure one way or another if she was actually a real saint. (I did not want to be saying a novena to a Saint that never was!) A couple of days later, just prior to my scheduled surgery, I had the shock of my life (and the answer to my prayer to St. Philomena!) I found out I was somehow, (miraculously) already pregnant! I did not need the surgery and gave birth to my beautiful daughter, Mary-Therese. I have since given birth to a fifth child and am expecting my sixth! I have not had any signs of tubal blockage. I've got my answer! I know she is for real and answered my desperate prayer with a miracle.